Seven Things To Consider When Choosing Your Perfect Wallpaper


Wallpaper making a comeback? We think so… when it’s used right! Choosing wallpaper can be scary, but can also be the most fun aspect of design! In the right scenario, it can truly make a room special! Use these 7 tips to wallpaper successfully.

7 Tips To Consider When Selecting The Perfect Wallpaper

  1. Take Notes From Your Already Existing Colors

  2. Play With Room Lighting

  3. Use Texture To Hide Wall Imperfections

  4. Choose A Wallpaper Style That Works With Your Room

  5. Accent The Positives Your Room Already Possesses

  6. Scale For Success

  7. Mix And Matching Patterns? Do It Wisely!

Take Notes From Your Already Existing Colors

Color sets the mood for your entire room. Choosing a wallpaper with cool-color backgrounds can make a room appear large and the ceiling look higher. Implement soft cool colors such as blue, green, or violet. Counter to that, warm colors are exactly as their name states — they make people feel warmer!

Reds, oranges, and yellows are a popular choice in colder regions. Warm, intense colors give off excitement. The more intense the color, the more excitement!

Play With Room Lighting

If there is not a lot of natural lighting in a room, try using wallpapers that will reflect light. This will give more lighting to your otherwise dark room. Wallpapers with light colors or metallic inks work great for these types.

Choose smooth surfaces over rough, as smooth reflect the most light. Dark, textured wallpapers will make a room feel darker, and darker rooms tend to feel “smaller.”

Use Texture To Hide Wall Imperfections

Does your room have wall imperfections or structural eyesores? This is a perfect time to implement some textured wallpaper. These patterns could include actual surfaces like grass and string cloth, burlap, expanded vinyl, foil, or fabric. You could even go with a wallpaper that is designed to look like a different texture such as wood, leather, fabric, marble, or animal skins.

Choose A Wallpaper Style That Works With Your Room

For formal rooms, or a formal look, choose wallpapers with large-scale patterns featuring dramatic colors. For a more fun, bright room, choose wallpapers with small motifs that are open and spaced, i.e. polka dots!

Wallpaper borders also can be used for an instant impact. Border styles are endless, and are an instant theme establisher to any room.

Accent The Positives Your Room Already Possesses

Stripes and other vertical patterns, which emphasize height, suggest dignity, vitality, and formality.

Vertical patterns, including florals where the motif's shape suggests a V or a U, will make a ceiling appear higher.

Horizontal patterns accent width, suggest quietness and repose, and make narrow rooms appear wider.

Scale For Success

Think about the feeling you want your room to give off. Do you want a more intimate feel? Or, do you want a feeling of spaciousness?

Small-scale patterns create spaciousness, while large-scale patterns make a room feel more intimate.

To make an empty room look more furnished, go with a large-scale, bright colored pattern with dark backgrounds. Opposite, if you want to give flat walls more depth, go with a large, open design.

Mix And Matching Patterns? Do It Wisely!

Nobody likes a boring, empty, patternless room. BUT, there is also nobody that likes a room filled with too many patterns.

Mixing patterns can be tough. When mixing stripes, plaids, or florals in a room, choose patterns that have the same colors or colors similar.


Choosing wallpaper can be scary, but can also be the most fun part of design! In the right scenario, it can make a room special! We hope that after these 7 tips, you are prepared to take on the sometimes stressful, always fun task of wallpaper. Still stressed? Our interior designer, Hannah, would love to put together the perfect plan for your dream room. 

Learn more about Hannah, Lisa, and Connie, here! If you have any questions about our process or are interested in working with together - please contact us! We’d love to hear from you!


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